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Apurva Dubey

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Apurva Dubey

apurva dubeyMy name is Apurva Dubey. I am pursuing B.A. (HONS.) in German language from Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. I have given my exams for the final semester of my graduation and I am waiting for the results. Since the last three years, I have been learning the German language with utmost interest and dedication. Apart from that, I have made it a point to engage in other co-curricular activities like play “Das kleine Ich-bin-ich” in 2016. I took up an OnDaF test in October 2016 and was awarded the level of my knowledge of German language as B2. Moreover, I got an opportunity to go to Bremen, Germany for an International Summer Course, which was funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). I received a certificate of completion with C1 (93%) as my level of the knowledge of German. I have therefore had an international exposure which helped me learn skills to cope in an unknown environment and also to adapt to challenging situations like conversing in a foreign language i.e. actual implementation of the theory that I internalized at the university. I strongly believe in a very famous quote by the translator Anna Rusconi -“Words travel worlds. Translators do the driving” and therefore would like to explore each and every opportunity that comes my way which is why I consider this internship a great chance to improve my approach towards the language.

Career Goals

I, Apurva Dubey, am a student in the 6th semester of my Bachelors in the German Language at the Jawaharlal Nehru University. I have just completed giving my examinations. My semester has ended now and I would like to utilize my time during the summer break by practising my skills in the German Language. I came to know about the possibility of doing an internship at Modlingua Learning Pvt. Ltd. I have always been interested in the world of language and therefore find myself strongly attracted to this internship offer. I believe it would provide me with great insight into the field of translation if I get a chance to work with your team.

I have been to Germany for a short summer course (the same is mentioned in the C.V.) and what I learnt there is to work till one gets satisfactory results. In the course of my Bachelors, often whilst writing Term-Papers, I learned how to research and establish connections in order to extract conclusions out of the given data. I realise that as an intern, I will be expected to do some background research on the data that I will be provided with. I am pretty sure; I will be able to live up to the expectations of Modlingua. In the present era of globalization, there is an urgency to establish a strong transnational bond between linguistically diverse countries in order to give enough room for prosperous economies. Several companies need texts in foreign languages to be translated. I would work hard so as to identify the implied meaning from German to English if translational services are required. Besides, there will be plenty of experienced translators to mentor me to boost my confidence and develop my skills.

 As someone new to the professional field, I am eager to learn and develop my skills in German language and work for a carrier which I believe would make me a nice addition to your team. I assure you with confidence that my enthusiasm to work and my sheer interest to work things up to the minute details will prove to be very fruitful in the due course of time. I look forward to working with Modlingua if I am chosen as an intern!

Apurva Dubey is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua, New Delhi

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