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Alice Casamento

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Alice Casamento


Throughout my travels, studies, and experience in the world, I have been able to attain what I hope to be a worldly and open-minded perspective. By understanding and developing relationships with people through my work and academic experiences abroad I developed an appropriate knowledge of communication with people, covering different fields. A personal endeavour to start my own academic career began when I was 14 years old as I travelled parts of Ireland, England and lately the United States, obtaining different English certificates. It enriched me not only to learn a language but at the same time to better understand a culture I was a part of. In order to understand how to collaborate on a project, during my last year of high school,  I made part of a few volunteering projects, that took place in Rome. I did volunteer work at the human rights organization Caritas of Rome and I collaborated on a project issued by a non-governmental organisation.

My passion for languages has always been primary in my life, I feel so passionate about the languages are spoken around the world. Without languages, there can be no progress. The ability to speak in different languages opens up a whole new set of opportunities and is excellent for one's personal development. It is this enthusiasm that encouraged me to join the Faculty of Interpreting and Translating of Languages of the  University of International studies of Rome(UNINT).

Thanks to my  Bachelor's Degree in Languages for Interpreting and Translation that provided me with an high-level linguistic training in EN-FR-ES offered me much more than just language fluency. I explored the culture, society, history, literature and politics of the countries in which my chosen languages are spoken. I had the opportunity to combine academic competence with soft skills including the ability to work in a team, to make decisions and solve problems, to plan, organise and prioritise work and to communicate effectively. During my university’s journey, I obtained 182 credits and my degree is also acknowledged by CIUTI, which is the world’s oldest and most prestigious international association of university institutes with translation and interpretation programmes.

 My personal and professional strengths are addressed to communication in different languages. There are a lot of ways to communicate and it is not only the idea of transmitting my message but also how I deliver the message effectively. Effective communication elicits good relations, improves the quality of life, motivates people and therefore yields better interpersonal relationship at home and at work

.In my personal experience, I am successful in transmitting messages verbally and get feedback promptly. I have a good skill in verbal communication and consider this as one of my strengths. It is an advantage, I would say because I was able to help at all of the different kinds of events I worked for. This strength is addressed to another strength that determines my personality and my abilities which is the faculty of being a multi-tasking person.It is difficult for me doing the multi-tasking but in the long run, it is beneficial to me because it will give me the advantage to be recognized in a working field.

Despite my academic and professional experience in both fields of languages and public relationships, my two biggest passion has always been music and fashion, in particular being active in the artistic and creative sector. In 2016 I travelled to Los Angeles, where I had the opportunity to understand and assist at all of the hard and creative work that lives behind the realization of a record in a studio. In that occasion, I’ve also participated at the realization of the music video “Boysh” by Hippo Campus, managed by the Hyper House of Los Angeles.

I recently took part in a training course about project management applied to the youth field in Newcastle Upon Tyne and I have very much enjoyed the challenges of working in a project management position in that occasion. Building a project through initiating, planning, executing, and closing the work of a team to achieve a specific goal really fascinated me. I’d love to keep developing this discipline, since I find it very useful, especially in the working field.

My other passion, it’s addressed to the fashion’s field and the endless creativity, evolution and history that lives behind it. Having lived in Rome, gave me the opportunity to approach to the fashion world in a better way, facing, and working for fashion events, taking care of different duties, especially the organization and the promotion of an event. Fashion is something that never fails to captivate me. It is an ever-changing cycle that uses influences from a previous era, modifies them and creates something new.

Career Goals

I see speaking a foreign language as a key to a door opening up a new world of possibilities and opportunities. Thanks to my studies abroad and in my home country and moving around, encountering new countries, has given me courage, inner confidence and strength. I have gained fluency in three languages, which are English, French and Spanish.

Languages have always been primary in my life. Communication is extremely important to me.

 My interests and ambitions involve learning new things every day such as learning about different cultures and their lifestyles, as I enjoy reading about different areas and subjects. I always get updates from my biggest interest that are addressed to music, movies and fashion. 

I think this training opportunity that the Modlingua team offers is a great opportunity to enrich my translating skills and connect my languages abilities in extra-linguistic fields, such as work for a company or an organization and operate in Project management or Social Media sectors.  

Alice Casamento is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua, New Delhi 

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