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Ilaria Tulimieri

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Ilaria Tulimieri

llariaHello! My name is Ilaria Tulimieri, I am an Italian native speaker and in 2013 I graduated in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. After that, I spent a few months in France, in order to practice French and improve my language skills. In2012 I also spent some time in Germany, where I attended an intensive German course and obtained the B1 certification according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR).

I have always been passionate about foreign languages and, in particular, English and German, so I love all kind of jobs involving the use of all language skills. As a matter of fact, I have worked as a hotel receptionist from 2014 to 2016. Thanks to this experience I had the opportunity to speak with people coming from every angle of the earth, I welcomed people of all ages and cultures, in big groups or on their own and I spoke every language I know. I appreciated my work at the Hotel Corallo in La Spezia, because I worked alone during my shift, so I had to take care of everything by myself, I handled requests, complaints, bookings, payments and so on. If our customers needed some information, a drink or a towel, I had to deal with it.

Then I decided to come back to the University, because I wanted to get the Master’s Degree, in order to start the translator career. Currently,y I study Specialized Translation from English and German at theUniversity of Naples “L’Orientale” and I am attending the second year of a two years program.

One day, surfing the web I found the internship offered by Modlingua and I thought that it was a great opportunity for young students, who want to start their professional career as a translator. I hope they will allow me to learn more from their expertise and practice my translating skills.

My career goals

My main interests are foreign languages and cultures, I am very curious to know the similarities and differences between them, this is a reason why I chose this subject matter at the University and High School. I also decided to study two languages, English and German, which belong to a different language family from my own native language. In fact, Italian is a Romanic language, instead of English and German, which are Germanic languages. This way I can see practically that they have a lot of different characteristics, but at the same time,e they also have some characteristics in common, which come from Latin.

In addition, my aim is to understand how concepts and meanings can be rendered into other languages so that we can overcome these differences and communicate with each other. For this reason,n I have always attended the courses at the “Orientale” because this university offers come special courses for students who want to learn languages and translation theory and practice. Some of the professors who teach translation theory are also professional translators. I think that this is the best way to join theory and practice.

I hope that Modlingua will give me the chance to work for and cooperate with them because I am sure they can teach a lot from a theoretical and a practical viewpoint.

Ilaria Tulimieri is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua

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