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Vatya Raina

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Vatya Raina

VatyaI am a student of Jawaharlal Nehru University, pursuing my bachelor’s in Spanish. I have been teaching Spanish to young school kids since last year and have completed my second year, only this month. I believe in healthy contribution to the organization with a positive approach, confidence and willingness to learn. I am a theatre and language enthusiast and like to read. I have acquired knowledge about the language, literature and cultural studies of Spanish and wish to work closely in my field.

Career Goals

When I began my college career, I knew I wanted to pursue a major that would provide me with a useful skill set: something that would enable me to grow as an individual, to challenge myself, and ultimately to better understand the world around me. This is why I have chosen to study Spanish Language and Culture, a major that focuses on the understanding and interpretation of the language and the society. I was intrigued to see the diversity of the relevance of foreign language in a different notion: an artistic, rather than monetary ideal. Through my love of reading and writing in my own language, my enjoyment of doing theatre and my two years so far studying Spanish, I have come to appreciate the artistic reality of language.

I have opted for Portuguese as my elective subject as I have learned that knowing more languages can yield enormous benefit in the professional world.

Through this internship, I want to achieve the goal of gaining practical and marketable skill of a foreign language, which I can utilize in any sphere of employment.

Vatya Raina is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua, New Delhi

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