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Daniela Marchetti

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Daniela Marchetti

danielaSince my time in high school, I have always liked languages so I decided to study the translation program at the National University of Cordoba. After graduating in translation English - Spanish, I also developed an interest in social matters so I studied journalism as a second career and obtained my diploma last year (2017) at the same University.

I consider myself to be a hardworking individual, fully responsible and resilient. I am looking for a place where I can grow both personally and professionally. 

As a matter of fact, I have always worked with people from other cultures and even travelled to work in India and USA, which has provided me with an opportunity to socialize, exchange experiences and integrate different visions of cultural patterns which have sharpened my abilities to hear and comprehend other individuals. 

Career goals 

I expect from this internship to get knowledge through the expertise of Modlingua in the use of CAT tools for translation (like Trados, memoQ and wordfast) and also in the topics of marketing and project management studies that can help me develop my work experience to the fullest and increase my job opportunities in the future. Project Management training is of utmost interest to me, especially related to handling complex and extensive translation projects. I am also interested in social networks so I can know people that connect me with others in the world of translation and share their knowledge. I also would like insights on techniques or workshops on the subject of writing for newspapers as this would be the perfect combination of both of the careers I have studied. 

In the past, even though I worked with the English language for running a business, the work by itself was not related to translation.  That is why I would like to embrace a new direction and find a job directly related to what I have studied. It would be interesting as well, getting some training on how to teach English. 

Daniela Marchetti is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua, New Delhi

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