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Mitali Deshmukh

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I am Mitali Deshmukh, an International Tour Leader and Freelance Linguist for Japanese, English, Hindi, and Marathi working in the industry since 2011. I have been learning the Japanese language since 2007, I would still say I am learning because I believe language is a vast knowledge which can never be completed and there always will be something new to learn. I have been working as a freelancer with skills such as Translation (Medical, Technical, IT, Software, Hardware, Quality Manuals, Shipping), Transcription & Subtitling (News Bulletin, Celebrity Interviews, Comedy Shows, Educational Programs, Religious Programs, Audio & Video Blogs), Interpretation (Local Tours, Surveys, Casual Business).

Few of my notable projects are:

1. Sanofi Aventis Company Medical Equipment Document Translation from Japanese to English

2. Japan Radio and Telecommunications Broadcasting Document Translation from Japanese to English

3. Provided transcriptions for the improvisation of AI User Interface for Alexa, Siri from Marathi to Marathi and Hindi to Hindi

4. Panasonic and Anchor Company Survey Interpretation in India for Japanese clients

5. Tour Guiding in English, Marathi, and Hindi for Indian Tourists across India and for international destinations such as Europe, Australia-New Zealand, Japan-China, Russia-Scandinavia, South East Asia and the Middle East

I am also an International Tour Leader which allows me to travel around the world with a group of tourists bringing me much closer to the local culture. We visit different sightseeing places on these tours, where I provide the information and manage their whole tour from origin till destination. This job seems very much interesting at first but involves its own challenges most important being bringing a group of 40 tourists together to all the places and make sure that the entire itinerary is running smoothly.

I have also been awarded Crisis Management on Tour where I had managed a group of 45 people traveling from India to Rome, and the flights were canceled due to fire at Rome airport, I managed to make arrangements and made sure that group reaches Rome on the same day in order to operate the tour program according to the schedule. My trips to Japan have tremendously increased my love and knowledge about Japanese culture. I also write my own blog catering to my traveling experiences at Mitali’s Travel Diary


My greatest memory of my childhood is going around different tourist places with my family. Probably it was at that time where I developed my liking for tourism and knowing different cultures. While studying in college, letting go of the plan of becoming an engineer and getting in tourism was a drastic change in terms of my entire career. And when one talks about going to different places, one also thinks about knowing the language of that place which made me turn towards learning a new language simultaneously. Somehow very much randomly Japanese was the option in front of me, and I jumped into it. As per the university degree, I am a Bachelor of Mathematics Graduate. I have also completed my diploma in IATA/ UFTAA Consultant course along with the Diploma in International Airline and Travel Management and Air Cargo Management.

And as for my linguist degree, I am a JLPT N2 (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) applied student back in 2010. At the same time, I even opted for the Japanese Conversational Course. My love for the language has grown ever since. After working in the tourism and translation industry for more than 9 years, I am looking forward to expanding my horizon especially in the field of language.

I wish to learn new skills in terms of translation, interpretations anything, and everything that is related to bringing more knowledge for me as a linguist. I wish to pursue further as a remote project manager and gaining all the experience which will help me to build my profile much stronger.

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