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Profile of Adelaida Aguilar. Translator and language teacher

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Brief Profile

I have always been passionate about languages, technology, legal matters, and social work. For this reason, I have taken several Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees related to the fields mentioned before. I finally decided to focus on translation since this field includes all the areas of study I have quoted previously.

My first Bachelor’s Degree was in English Philology (major in Linguistics), which gave me a very deep knowledge of the English language. Later, I took a Master’s Degree in Translation and Technology. This Master's was really useful to learn about the CAT tools and automatic translation as well as the Localization industry. Three years ago, I started two Bachelor’s Degrees, Translation and Applied Languages and Labour Relations. This June, I am going to finish my first Bachelor’s and hopefully the second one in 2022. Besides, I took a Master’s Degree last year in European Integration (legal specialty).

Though my work experience is mainly based on education, I have combined it with some translation projects and internships. My experience in the education field started 22 years ago as an English teacher. I started to work for private language schools teaching English at different levels and preparing for official exams. Five years later, I started to work for the Catalan Ministry of Education teaching English and Spanish in High Schools. I have taught foreign languages at Secondary, Baccalaureate, and Vocational Training. Besides, I have also worked as a tutor in Secondary and Vocational Training and I have participated in several exchange programs.

My experience as a translator and proofreader includes an internship in IATE (European Language Terminology) and an internship in Incyta Multilanguage S.L. (Barcelona). In the first internship, my functions were related to the creation of corpora, extraction of terminology, and translation and validation of terms. In the second internship, I was responsible for the translation of business documentation (EN>SP) and proofreading of machine translation. Besides, I have collaborated for two years with the international network of bloggers Global Voices translating news from English to Catalan and the Indian company Andover. Currently, I collaborate with Coursera and However, I do not have any experience as a project manager or in the field related to the marketing aspect of the translation industry. Currently, my specializations include localization, education, IT, legal, and advertising.

Finally, I consider I would be a good fit for your organization since I am highly motivated and I am desiring to learn. I am also a very organized person who likes to work individually and also in a team. Besides, I truly believe in your program since I think it is a very way to bring closer the translation market to novice translators.

Career Goals

At the moment, my short-term goal is to work as a freelance translator, especially related to the legal, technological, or marketing field. I would also like to focus on IT translation as well as the translation of software and apps. For this reason, I am currently taking some professional courses in parallel with this summer internship. 

As for my long-term goals,  I would like to form my own translation agency.  I know it is a quite difficult aspiration that needs a lot of experience in the sector and marketing as well as experience in the business. My idea is to work some years as a freelancer and then when I have the experience required and regular clients I would like to form my agency. In fact, I consider that attracting and maintaining clients is the most difficult thing in the translation field. Another long-term goal is working as a translator or in the communication field of an international organization, like UNESCO or the European Union, though I consider it as a dream and I know is very difficult to obtain this position. 

As for my long-term goals, I would like to set up my own translation company.

Summer internship at Modlingua

Certified Quality Translation Services in Delhi