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Profile of Lovish Bhardwaj Italian language expert

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Brief Profile:

My name is Lovish Bhardwaj. I am currently pursuing B.A.(Hons) in Italian from the Department of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Delhi. I have completed my senior secondary school at Flora Dale Public School and I served my tenure as a head boy there. This role has been extremely beneficial in improving my managerial and leadership qualities. I worked hard to excel at my studies and extracurricular activities at the same time. I am a polyglot with adept knowledge in four languages: English, Hindi, Punjabi, and Italian. Currently, I am volunteering at Perro-Ayuda Animal Welfare and Robin Hood Army. I was always passionate about learning new skills and excelling at a foreign language was surely one of those. Perhaps, learning a new language paves way for more opportunities in the professional world. Italian culture and lifestyle allure me a lot. That being the reason, I have an Indo-Italian blog that talks about Italian culture and lifestyle. My hobbies include listening to music, reading books, art, and traveling.

Career Goals:

I have a persistent will and curiosity to learn new things each day and be better than yesterday. New languages undoubtedly open gates to new opportunities and I am excited for the same. A language is much more than just grammar and vocabulary, it is also the emotions you express and the ideas you communicate using the same language. For the same reason, I wish to polish my Italian language skills to the native level. I am a people person and interacting with new people is something I enjoy doing. Good marketing strategies and business ideas interest me a lot. I aim to work in an environment with a mixture of both these worlds - business and knowledge of new languages. I plan to pursue a Business Development course after my graduation. My localization skills would undoubtedly be a good addition to this degree. Therefore, Modlingua’s internship will be a perfect fit in imparting the relevant skills to me and hone my skills.

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