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Angela Menegassi

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Angela Menegassi

Angela MenegassiMy name is Angela Menegassi and I am a Molecular Biologist from Brazil who has always had a great interest in linguistics. During my studies, I had the opportunity to work at international research institutes in Portugal and Germany as a PhD student and a postdoctoral fellow. These opportunities put me into daily contact with translating and interpreting situations and inspired me to pursue this career. I currently live in the United States and will soon be completing a translation EN>PTprogram. My main goal is to become a full-time translator proficient in both technical and business aspects, and I’m certain the internship at Modlingua will be a key step in this direction.

Career Goals

When I graduated from high school I decided to go for a biology degree because of my interest in biotechnology. Since then, I worked in research and diagnostic laboratories and in the pharmaceutical industry. Due to my dedication and competence during my studies, I was awarded two scholarships to work at international research institutes as a PhD student and as a postdoctoral research fellow. These opportunities put me into daily contact with translating and interpreting situations and inspired me to pursue this career.To be able to bring life Sciences and Languages together –two of my greatest interests – is a source of pleasure and motivation in my daily life.

I’ll soon complete a translation program and I’ve been volunteering as a translator for different non-profit organizations related to Environmental Science, Medicine and Education. I have always enjoyed studying and do not intend to stop: courses, seminars and other means of continuing development and education will be a constant in my professional life. As soon as I complete the current program, I’ll enrol in courses related specifically to medical translation and business management.

My main goal is to become a full-time translator proficient in both technical and business aspects. Therefore, having the opportunity to do this internship at Modlingua is of great importance for the launch of my career as a translator. I’ll give my best not only to learn as much as possible from the Senior Team of Modlingua but also to contribute with my previous professional experience to the project and other interns.

Angela Menegassi is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua, New Delhi 

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