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Modlingua Summar Internship Program 2018: A report by Madhu Sree

19. 04. 16
posted by: Madhu shree Dwivedi
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By Madhu Shree Dwivedi
A Summer Internship Program for the translator at Modlingua, an initiative by our teacher and guide Mr.Ravi Kumar which had trained around 200 interns. This is an online programme where the interns were at their own place can follow the training without any problem. There are various possible means to stay connected with our mentor as well as the team of the interns through WhatsApp and Facebook respectively. The theme of this year's internship program was teamwork; the interns from all over the world are part of it. The interns can interact, share their ideas, and clear their queries through Facebook. The interns are given a chance to present themselves on the platform to boost their confidence and at last, our teacher is always there to help us. There are ample amount of video lectures on Youtube and articles on the Modlingua website related to translation. Also, there are live sessions to guide us on various aspects of translations through zoom app also there are lectures by different experts in the field of translation. There were different assignments given at particular interval to test what we have learned and also to correct the mistakes. There are guidelines to help us also for every assignment there are Youtube lectures uploaded which guides us to complete the assignment easily.
The first assignment was about the analysis of errors and omissions in the content namely 1. Our profile photo 2.Our brief profile and 3.Career goals. We have to analyze those mistakes by comparing the content we have sent to the content that was published and write both the version in two different sections and thereafter we have to calculate the total time that was taken due to our silly mistakes which could be corrected easily through various application such as Grammarly which was later explained by our mentor through Modlingua Rubric.
The second assignment was about Quality Control in Content Writing and Translation. There were five questions given. One can attempt one or more question but one question was compulsory. While writing the answers we had to follow the Modlingua Rubric of Error Control, also it was mandatory to use Grammarly or any other AI tools and to proofread the assignment.
The third assignment was about Transcription. It was a very new concept for most of the interns especially for me but the most interesting one. On listening it seems to be easy but doing it takes a lot of efforts, time and attentiveness. Every intern had to select one topic and had to write it exactly what was
The fourth assignment was to add subtitles to the videos for which we have done transcription. The fifth assignment was on social marketing which makes us aware of the market rules and regulations and the method to deal with it.
The sixth and the seventh assignment was based on script writing which indeed improves the writing skills and a talent to write and know about various famous personalities. We have to write about their success mantra and also it should be written such that there could be a video prepared on it.
About expectations
 I ventured into the domain of International Relations I envisaged pursuing my Ph.D. abroad so that my knowledge and understanding of IR from a theoretical perspective could be more practical and empirical. In order to reach the set goal, I need to get acquainted with my own limitations to travel into the unknown realms of knowledge. For this, I need to be trained in specific skills and technologies, more specifically in language and soft skills. My applying for internship underlies this fact.
The assignment was interesting and challenging which was of great help. Also, there were experts lectures related to the translation which enhance our knowledge, clear our queries which we have in our minds also make us aware of various career opportunities in this field. There was a time limit which has improved the quality of discipline. This proved to be an asset for the future endeavor.
 Individual assessment
This internship program has irradiated many new experiences, have learned a lot from our teachers, friends and various experts in this field. We also have improved our own qualities and capacities. We have come to know the basics of the field of translation and interpretation, also have learned a little about how to use it as an occupation and how to choose the correct client for whom we are going to work, the ethics and rules that should be followed so that our work remains quite interesting and does not become a burden. This program has also introduced us to various opportunities in the field of translation and interpretation.
Earlier we have hardly any knowledge about this field but after this internship, it not only improved the knowledge about this field but has also enhanced to use this field professionally. It was an awesome experience which has resulted in boosting confidence. It is not only helpful in interpretation and translation but also useful in every professional field.
There were several challenges because I had just finished my post- graduation I had several competitive exams so with the preparation for those exams I also had to complete the various assignment on time. Although I missed one or two lectures I was able to get those lectures afterward through YouTube. Also, I could get some extra time for the completion of my assignment if I have some genuine problems.
About Learning Methodology
Various online application and social networking sites were used in this internship program. Instructions and messages were conveyed through WhatsApp through broadcast, a Facebook group was created to interact with each other to become a part of the translation and interpretation group. The meetings were held through the zoom app which includes through video conferencing we would attend the lecture sitting at any place and then ask for the queries and questions.
 Enhanced Skills and Knowledge
This internship was extremely beneficial to me. I came to know many new things which became more fun and easy for me with the help of our teacher Mr.Ravi Kumar. Also, it had helped me in the management of time. At times I faced some challenges due to some network issues, or some other work but the internship was so interesting so I tried completing the task as soon as possible by all means. We do not have to travel anywhere but sitting at home we could attend classes and complete our work. There was no time condition, we could ask the queries on the social networking sites and then many of our own friends were ready to answer the queries. Also, we can refer to Youtube lectures at any given point in time. This internship was amazing and I was less attentive to the program as I was busy with various other exams because there are many blogs on the Modlingua website which I could have read. But this was one of the best internship programs, also because I learned a lot from it sitting in one place and through the use of technology.
Modlingua has begun an initiative to train the students without any fees or favor; it is just organized to train the students, to make the students familiar with the field of translation and interpretation. It was not about learning the translation from one language to other but to learn other skills related to this field so that we can act professionally and also the skills which can be useful to us in every sphere. We have learned better writing skills because this can have a good impression on others if we do not do any or very few of the mistakes while sending something to the other person. Later the transcription was also taught to us, something very new to me and can be useful at any point of given time. We have learned to subtitle in the YouTube lecture so that one can read and understand if not understanding through listening also. The concept of social media marketing was also introduced so we know the concepts and the basics of the social media as well as marketing its importance and know how it could be beneficiary to us. Although all the lectures were very useful and interesting my most favorite lecture was Mrs.Veena as I was related to tourism and it is the field I have a deep interest in. This internship was great.
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