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Internship Summary by Brigita Pudjodarminto

17. 10. 01
posted by: Brigita Pudjodarminto
Hits: 1981
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By Brigita Pudjodarminto

A Brief about the Internship

Modlingua initiated a Summer Internship program for freshers and undergraduates who have considerable command over many languages. The internship conducted by Modlingua had the duration of approximately three months, beginning June 7th, 2017 and formally ended on August 14th, 2017. During the internship, under the supervision of senior trainers, we had intensive training in the form of weekly meetings through an online platform (Go-To-Meeting). In the weekly meeting, Mr. Ravi Kumar presented to us a brief about the agency and explained how we would proceed during our activities.

Purpose of the Internship (Learning Objectives)
The main purpose of the internship is to develop strong bonding among the interns where together we gain experience, unify voice, and build 
team work.

Things that I learnt
My focuses of learning in this internship program are Content Writing and Citizen Journalism, Project Management and Quality Standard, Business Development and Social Media Marketing. In this internship, I learnt in-depth knowledge about translation business and all the possibilities as language professionals have on the industry. In this program, I was also trained on how to develop communication skills with people of higher rank inside the business and how to treat and obtain new clients.

The teaching methodology
For the development of each assignment, it was necessary to us to watch the YouTube videos released by Mr. Kumar at the Modlingua channel and external sources for further research. Every week, we also must attend the Go-To-Meeting where we can discuss to current topic and ask any questions arise during taking the task assigned. In addition, we also had some little assignments in the Facebook group. All of the assignments were released at the Modlingua website.

Learning outcome
This internship program has opened my eyes that in spite of my length of working in the line of translation business, there are many things I am lacking knowledge. From my focuses of learning in this internship, I have to gain basic knowledge on Content Writing and Citizen Journalism, Project Management and Quality Standard, Business Development and Social Media Marketing. I find this internship will surely help me to excel my professionalism in this translation industry as well as my entrepreneurship skill in the localization business.

Overall assessment and conclusion 
The weekly Go-To-Meeting is a good way of developing interaction, building trust, and cooperation between Mr. Ravi Kumar, as a mentor, and all the participants. It helps us to have a clear vision of how shall we do the assignments. And the FB Groups with some task and guidance prior to the actual assignment has also helped us, participants, to have better interaction and cooperation with each other.

The YouTube videos which are the key modules in this internship program played great roles in understanding each assignment. I do hope in the future, the videos will be compliment with transcripts as not all the participants found it easy to understand the contents. Furthermore, the lecture about Personal Branding and How to Make Clients by our guest mentor, Prof. Ioanna, was exceptionally useful. And I strongly believe that inviting more guest mentors will add more benefit to this program.
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