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Digital media and language experts

Hits: 1937

By Jatin Papneja

Now a days social media is everywhere like facebook Since 2012, there’s been a movement toward digital media, instead of social media. This change, rather than just reflecting semantics, celebrates the integration of digital strategies including blogging, social media, and email marketing with a stronger commitment to driving ROI, such as doing lead generation, tracking movement through a website, etc. These changes further enhance the differences between traditional media and social networking. social platforms, like Facebook, placed a more significant effort on monetizing their platforms so users see more ads. Users still don’t like it, hence the growth of ad-free platforms such as Snapchat, which grew rapidly, especially among younger users.

The notion of paid, versus earned, versus owned media drew marketers’ attention. In the past, marketers focused on owned media — posts to social networks. Now, they must integrate across owned media, paid media (Facebook ads, Adwords, Banner Ads), and earned media sharing behavior that amplifies the brand message There is still a difference even though most everything is digital now. Traditional media has gatekeepers that limit access.due to limited access in the traditional media no one now what is happing in this world beacuse traditional have limited approach boundary on the other thand new media is everywhere beacuse of that its easy to have knowlege about what going in this world and now a days everyone is on facebook in which news is rapidly spread.

Writer Jatin Papneja is French Language and Translation Intern at Modlingua, India's No1. certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi

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