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Importance of multilingualism in society and language learner as a citizen journalist

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Supriya Harshwal

Multi-lnguist, a person knows more than one language.  When you speak, understand a language as its native does than there you make a difference. You achieve excellence over that language.

As the doctors, engineers, teachers contribute their role in the society; Multilinguists also have some prestigious roles that directly link to our society with the equal values. According to several researches, multilinguists generally have sharp minds with excellent grasping power and analytic observation skills. It develops their thought process and they start to see the world from a different but an innovative angel. That automatically makes a multilinguist special in the society. However, I think when a native speaker of one language finds another language’s native, talking in his own language, he immediately get attached with that person emotionally and that is how it leads to a good healthy relation between two different communities having different norms, culture and civilization. These lingual attachments not only happen in a small community or region but throughout the world. These are the base of any relationship whether it is political, economical and technological .Likewise Multilinguists help maintain cooperation and understanding in two different societies. They help in Nation Building. They keep themselves aware with all the knowledge that relate to their learned languages and their societies, culture and living atmosphere. Like, in this world there are a number of countries which carries some king of Taboos and misconceptions with their names that make other countries to fear of them and hate them but here what Multinguist do. They provide the exact situation hiding behind the taboos and misconceptions and help in creating a sense of understanding rather than being judgemental directly about what they heard of. Their opinions are always counted. So, Multilinguists have an important role in all the sectors like- economic, technological, political, medical etc. World without Multinguists hard to imagine.

A language learner can contribute his knowledge in many different ways, like being a translator, interpreter, voice over artist, etc. Electronic Media brings opportunities with itself in abundance not only for those who belong to technological sectors but also for Language learners. Tweeter, Facebook, Instagram are recruiting people as Citizen Journalists. Many people in this world regularly post some useful information on social media site and they don’t even realize what they are actually doing. They are working as a citizen journalist. When a person transmit some information globally using any source of social media without having the support of an external media, is known as citizen journalism. It witnessed many revolutions in the history. The Arab spring (2010), it is greatly known as Facebook revolution. In this movement, people propagated their actually situation to the world. Despite believing on news from government sources, the world started to concern over their harsh situations individually. This movement united the world for the humanity. The same happened during Iraq Invasion (2003). So this is how people took initiative to make the world aware with their miserable conditions. Having knowledge of languages, one can also use citizen journalism to maintain sweet and peaceful relations between the two different communities and can add some useful knowledge in their life for each other. Many a times people who don’t know English, posted their miserable conditions in their own language, if I know that language then it’s my duty to convey his massage throughout the world by translating it and I think this is the best way to use a learned language by helping people.  Besides this I can encourage people to dream for being a multilingual personality and increase their interests towards international matters for the understating of a better world.

Writer Supriya Harshal is Arabic and English Language and Translation Intern at Modlingua, India's No1. certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi

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