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Sougand Akbarian

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Brief Profile

This is Sougand Akbarian. I am a Member of Iranian Translators and Interpreters Association (ITIA).  I am a translator and an interpreter of English and Persian languages. I have already graduated in M.A. in Translation Studies in Iran. I have also presented my articles and papers at international conferences in India and Iran. I have experience of working as an English teacher, a translator, and an interpreter for businesspersons also. What I love the most about translation is translating books, and let people go beyond borders by your pen. I always say, “Translator is a traveler of counties and cultures, so I am, and interested in Indian culture!” Therefore, I also have translated some books. I always loved the different languages of the world, but English has always brought my main attention to study that professionally. Each nation has its own language and culture, and I believe that I can help and build a bridge between different nations, cultures, and languages. Translating and traveling is my passion. I think traveling not only gives an experience for a lifetime but it also helps in learning new languages and cultures and get a chance to meet a person with different mindsets. My hobbies are translating, traveling, speaking, reading, and learning new languages. I believe there is no age or time to pursue learning of any kind and one must try to take up new challenges and tasks in order to break the monotony of life. I love to learn new languages and know about other cultures as well.  Moreover, I hope I can translate more books globally that let good books remain in different languages forever. Career Goals Some people say that the eyes are the gates to the soul, and the Language, to me, is the gate to the culture. Each nation has its own culture, values and rules, and the convergence point of all that is the language. How we speak, how we understand the message and how do we reply is a complete process that is worthy of study and appreciation. Since the beginning, we people did not understand each other, they would find another way to do so and thus be born the translation process. When I was a child I began to take English classes, they were not only teaching us new words, but also a new culture behind them. I started to understand that it was not something easy nor impossible, it was rather an achievement, a life goal to me, something that I still pursue so dearly. When I reached my university, speaking in English was something I loved to do with other friends and my professor. By starting translating books, I realized how English could professionally improve my life. That is how I started my career as a translator; it was hard as any other profession might be at the beginning. How could I translate words and give them a natural meaning? It was complicated and until today is still a challenge to face each day. But the rejoice that I get when I’m able to build a new connection between those two languages, is unmeasurable, still, it always comes to my mind that I’m so young and I should learn more. That is why I have come to Modlingua, as I know that they will help me solve that issue and even learn more. Because I know that with their company, I will be able to acquire the so needed knowledge, skills, and experience that I need so that I can truly work as a bridge between two cultures and two different languages that are so abundant and widely spoken on the world. I wish for them to help me grow professionally. In this Summer Internship, I hope we get to know about translation software more. Hope we get to know about new theories about translation and bring them into reality to see how they will work. I want to join Modlingua family because it provides the best platform for researchers in the various field to get the glimpse of professional ethics of translation along with the much-needed experience in the field and it will be a great international gathering.  

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