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Esraa Badawy

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 Esraa Badawy

EsraaI am Esraa Badawy from Egypt. I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Oriental languages from the faculty of arts, Cairo University. I studied literature and languages of Persian and Turkish.

Translation is one of my favourite passions especially in media, research and scientific fields, so I joined in Scientific Research program with Egypt Scholars Inc to learning about it and improve my skills. Also, I am a scientific translator in Real Science online Magazine, where I translate many articles in different fields such as psychology, Sociology, Biology and Linguistics from English to Arabic.

Also, I volunteer in "Her Story" campaign, which sponsored by Wikipedia and the United Nations Women by translating from English to Arabic.

I am interested also in media. I joined a "What is news" certificate online course from Michigan State University to learning how to create and make good news and how to deliver it to the right audience.

Career Goals

I am a self-motivated person and believe that everyone should develop new skills. I always have been learning new things, especially in languages field.

For me, every new language you learn means that you become a new person with a different perspective. Each new language means new countries you can go to, and means more job opportunities you can get. And a lot of closed doors, which were impossible for you to enter, become opened for you.

My dream is to work in a dynamic environment where people from different nationalities to enrich my skill. I know Persian (oral and written), English, Turkish (basic written) and Arabic.

By joining this internship with MODLINGUA I hope to take my skills to next high level and explore new horizons.

Esraa Badawy is Summer Intern 2019 at Modlingua

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