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Pull and Push Marketing for Translators

posted by: Sharon Ramsey

By Sharon Ramsey

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“Businesses should not try to break through the noise in the public rather they should engage with its customers”. The above-mentioned quote simply highlights the pull and push strategy of marketing. No matter if the business reaches out to the customers or it attracts the customers to itself,  either way, the customers communicate with the brand making growth opportunities for the business in the long run. Pull and Push itself is the most simply understandable method of marketing. Mr Ravi Kumar through this lecture helps in understanding these said methods of marketing.

Consider what would happen if an organization like parker that manufactures pen started to email and cold call customers to lure in more potential customers for their organization. Probably it wouldn't have been a great way of utilizing the marketing ability of the organization. Thus it depends on the organization as to how it would adapt to the push and pull marketing methods.

Have you ever seen an advertisement for a product and ultimately bought that product for yourself? If yes then what you have observed is a pull method of marketing. Television ads, online advertisements and social media advertisements are all strategies of pull marketing. It's all about the actionable interest. If a method or strategy can make the customers actions turn into the purchase of products then it is called as pull marketing. How many times have you had a call from telemarketers asking you to try your product? probably many times, and its this form of marketing that ultimately pushes the product to the customer rather than bringing the customer to the product.

Push and pull strategy are somehow basically layman terms of luring in customers and pushing products to the customers for their acceptance. It's the most simple tool yet the most intriguing adaptation of strategies of marketing. How a business thrives through the use of these strategies is based on the objective and the product of the business seeks to communicate with the customers.

Like through the lecture explanation for the statistics of the growth of businesses around the world that were new to social media almost 20 percent of businesses had an increase in revenue through social media, almost over 300 percent of businesses spent their average budget on social media and grew more over the next 3 years and also 44 percent of the industry has been acquired by Twitter itself. Blogging also has helped businesses in growing and almost 75 per cent of businesses have grown through blogs and written content. How an organization adapts to these numerical figures is the ability of an organization to comprehend and create change along the marketing dimension of the industry.

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